The Holidays are Here - Protect Your Hardwood Floors

It's that time of year again, and you're thinking about your holiday tree. The wonderful scent of a real tree has made you decide this is the way you want to go, but how will you ensure your hardwood floors stay protected?

The main issue will be water from watering the tree. Sap and watermarks can be left on your flooring, or moisture can cause cupping and separation between the boards, requiring them to be replaced.

The other issue with real trees is that pine needles will fall down, getting stuck between the boards or scratching the surface of your floors.

The good news is, if you take the right precautions, you won't have to refinish or replace any of your hardwood flooring. Be sure to protect your hardwood floors while you're bringing in the tree, while it's sitting in your home, and while you’re taking it back outside.

 Step 1: Clean and prepare your hardwood floors. 

First vacuum, and then use a microfibre mop with a hardwood floor cleaner. We recommend the Bona Professional Series available at Samurai Hardwood Flooring.

Step 2: Prepare a barrier that will go between your floor and the tree. 

Before the tree even arrives on the scene, set up your tree stand. We recommend starting with a waterproof tray to hold the tree stand, and then laying the tree skirt on top. This will keep any water from reaching your floor and getting trapped there where it will ruin the finish. Ensure your tree stand is sturdy so there is less risk of leakage.

DO NOT use a towel or other absorbent material under the tree stand, as these will only soak up water and cause damage to your floors.

Step 3: Bring in the tree.

Have some sort of sheeting available for the tree to rest on as you bring it to the stand (an old bed sheet will work fine). You'll also want to cover as much of the branches as possible with plastic bags or sheeting to prevent needles from falling off on the trip from the door to the stand.

DO NOT drag the tree across the floor as this may cause unwanted scratching and marks.

Once the tree is in the stand, bring the sheet back outside having carefully folded it to contain the needles. Finish up with a quick vacuum and mop to capture any stray needles that may have fallen.


Step 4: Maintain the tree.

Be sure to vacuum and use your microfibre mop to clean up fallen needles, daily or as needed. This will prevent them from scratching your hardwood. TIP: Keeping the tree well hydrated will also help with needle retention.

Step 5. Take down the tree and clean up.

Repeat the transportation process from Step 3 to remove the tree from your home. Next, carefully drain the water from the stand. If any water spills, clean it up and blot the area dry.

Finally, vacuum the area and use your microfibre mop with Bona Hardwood Cleaner for the finishing touches. Your floors should come out clean and shiny, just like new.

Now that you’re armed with a bit more knowledge on protecting your hardwood floors, have a merry, safe and carefree holiday season - from all of us here at Samurai Hardwood Flooring.


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